30 May 2014

Past tense is not past tense

I took part in a wonderful Dagstuhl workshop this past February on translating morphologically rich languages. (Yeah, I also don't really know why I was invited :P.) But many thanks to Alex, Kevin, Philipp, Helmut and Hans for inviting me. I had a realization during this workshop that I thought I'd share. It's obvious in retrospect, and perhaps in front-spect for many of you. Much of this came up in the discussion with Bonnie Webber, Marion Weller, Martin Volk, Marine Carpuat, Jörg Tiedemann and Maja Popovic, and Maja deserves much credit for her awesome error analysis tool that helped shed some light on German.

One thing you commonly think of when translating into a morphologically rich language is that there's stuff you're going to have to hallucinate. Really this isn't an issue of morphology per se, but just that this is one place where it's obvious. For instance, even going from English to French you'll have to hallucinate gender on your determiners (un versus une and le versus la) that's unmarked in English. Or when going from Japanese (which roughly combines present and future tenses into a single tense) to English, you'll have to hallucinate "will" at appropriate places.

An abstraction that I think was pretty widespread among the initial discussions in the workshop was that if you're going from language X to Y, there are basically two options:
  1. Phenomenon foo is explicit in Y but implicit in X, and therefore you'll have to hallucinate it (i.e., tense is explicit in English but not in Mandarin)
  2. Phenomenon bar is explicit in Y and also explicit in X, and so you can just copy it.
The problem is that (2) is just false, even for things that you think it might not be false for. That is to say: Just because two languages explicitly code for something that we give a consistent (linguistic) name to, doesn't mean that they code for it consistently.

Okay, so you want examples.

An easy example is gender. I've been well assured that, for instance, French and Russian both have explicit gender. But just because some noun (eg moon/lune) is feminine in French doesn't mean it's also feminine in Russian. (In fact I think it's neuter.)

You might argue gender is a stupid thing to pick because it's essentially an artificial encoding of who-knows-what.

How about tense. That clearly has a semantic interpretation (did something happen in the past, the present or the future) and so if languages X and Y both express some particular tense, they must be consistent in how they do it.

Wrong. Now my memory is getting a bit shaky, but my recollection is that, for instance, in newswire text, it's very common in German to refer to things that have happened in the past in present tense. To English speakers this is a strange convention (we tend to refer to such things in past tense), but it doesn't have to be so. And of course English has it's own idiosyncrasies: see the plight of the native German speaker who cannot understand English tense usage in (New Zealand) news articles.

Part of this is probably because tense, even in English, is a pretty slippery concept. We (native English speakers) have no problem using present (or progressive) tense to refer to things that happened in the present (John runs) the past (so yesterday I'm running to the store and a hamburger falls on my head!) or the future (my flight leaves at 8:00 tonight).

Another easy example is definiteness (thanks to Kevin Knight for this inspiration). Again, our high school English teachers tell us that "the" (+Definite) has to refer to something that's already been introduced into context. I just went to cnn.com, clicked on the very first link, and the first sentence is "The boss resigned under pressure and other Veterans Affairs managers are likely on the way out." Ok you could argue that "The boss" is already in the context of the US news media (this is an article about Shinseki) but it's nonetheless very common to see (English) entities introduced using "the" and the precise rules that govern this may or may not be consistent across other languages.

The long and short of this is: I like the fact that translation into morphologically rich languages makes us pay attention to linguistic divergence. But that doesn't mean that divergences aren't there even when languages express the same set of linguistically-named phenomena. Usage can vary dramatically, be it for conventions, socio-linguistic reasons, or other things that are hard to pin down. It's just that by focusing all our energy on a very particular convention (newswire, parliament), we can pretty easily learn these mappings because there's no variability. Add some variability and we're hosed, even for languages with the same set of (overt) markings.

16 May 2014

Perplexity versus error rate for language modeling

It's fair to say that perplexity is the de facto standard for evaluating language models. Perplexity comes under the usual attacks (what does it mean? does it correlate with something we care about? etc.), but here I want to attack it for a more pernicious reason: it locks us in to probabilistic models.


Language modeling---or more specifically, history-based language modeling (as opposed to full sentence models)---is the task of predicting the next word in a text given the previous words. For instance, given the history "Mary likes her coffee with milk and", a good language model might predict "sugar" and a bad language model might predict "socks." (This is related to the notion of cloze probability.)

It's quite clear that there is no "right answer" to any of these prediction problem. As an extreme example, given the history " The", there are any number of possible words that could go next. There's just no way to know what the "right" answer is, whether you're a machine or a person.

This is probably the strongest justification for a perplexity-like measure. Since there's no "right" answer, we'll let our learned model propose a probability distribution over all possible next words. We say that this model is good if it assigns high probability to "sugar" and low probability to "socks."

Perplexity just measures the cross entropy between the empirical distribution (the distribution of things that actually appear) and the predicted distribution (what your model likes) and then divides by the number of words and exponentiates after throwing out unseen words.

The Issue

The issue here is that in order to compute perplexity, your model must produce a probability distribution. Historically we've liked probability distributions because they can be combined with other probability distributions according to the rules of probability (eg., Bayes rule or chain rule). Of course we threw that out a long time ago when we realized that combining things, for instance, in log-linear models, worked a lot better in practice, if you had a bit of data to tune the weights of the log-linear models.

So the issue in my mind is that there's plenty of good technology out there for making predictions that does not produce probability distributions. I think it's really unfortunate that non-probabilistic approaches don't get to play the language modeling game because they produce the "wrong" sort of output (according to the evaluation, but not according to the real world). I'm not saying there aren't good reasons to like probabilistic models, but just that alternatives are good. And right now those alternatives cannot compete. (For instance, Roark, Saraclar and Collins [2007] don't use perplexity at all and just go for word error rate of a speech recognizer around their perceptron-based language model.)

When I Ran Into This

I was curious about building a language model using vw, in the context of another project, and also to stress-test multiclass classification algorithms that scale well with respect to the number of classes.

As soon as I ran it, I discovered the issue: it produced results in the form of error rates. As I recall (it was a while ago), the error rate was somewhere in the 60s or 70s. I had absolutely no idea whether this was good or not. It seemed reasonable.

To get a sense of how standard language models fare, I decided to train a language model using srilm, and evaluate it according to error rate. To make my life easier, I just ran it on the WSJ portion of the Penn treebank. I used the first 48k sentences as train and the last 1208 sentences as test. I trained a 5gram Kneser-Ney smoothed language model and evaluated both perplexity and error rate (the latter required a bit of effort -- if anyone wants the scripts, let me know and I'll post them---but basically, I just take the LM's prediction to be the highest probability word given the context).

The language model I built had a perplexity (ppl1 in srilm) of 236.4, which seemed semi-reasonable, though of course pretty crappy. There was an OOV rate of 2.5% (ignored in the perplexity calculation).

The overall error rate for this model was 75.2%. This means that it was only guessing a quarter of words correct. (Note that this includes the 2.5% errors mandated by OOVs.)

I also tried another version, where all the model had to do was put the words in the right order. In other words, it knows ahead of time the set of words in the sentence and just has to pick between those 20, rather than between the full vocabulary (43k types). [This is maybe semi-reasonable for MT.] The error rate under this setting was 66.8%. Honestly I expected it would be a lot better.

Note that if you always guess ","---the most frequent type in this data---your error rate is 95.3%.

So why was it only moderately helpful (< 10% improvement) to tell the language model what the set of possible words was? Basically because the model was always guessing really high probability unigrams. Below are the top ten predicted words when the model made an error with their frequencies. They're basically all stop words. (This is in the unrestricted setting.)

     1    14722 ,
     2     1393 .
     3     1298 the
     4      512 and
     5      485 in
     6      439 of
     7      270 to
     8      163 ''
     9      157 a
    10      108 is
    11       54 's
    12       52 have
    13       49 said
    14       41 ``
    15       38

    16       38 for
    17       38 are
    18       34 %
    19       33 $
    20       31 be

The same list for the restricted setting is virtually identical, basically because most of these words are available in the average sentence:

     1    10194 ,
     2     5357 .
     3     1274 the
     4      274 of
     5      251 in
     6      232 to
     7      230 and
     8      193 a
     9       51

    10       36 for
    11       28 's
    12       25 ''
    13       24 said
    14       24 is
    15       21 that
    16       21 ``
    17       16 it
    18       15 from
    19       14 be
    20       13 by

Oh well.

Ok, so I don't have a "good" counter proposal to perplexity. Error rate certainly has many issues of its own. You could use IR-like metrics, like recall @ 10, mean average precision, etc., which are all questionable in their own ways.

I would just, in general, like if we could evaluate language models without having to be handcuffed by probabilities.