08 March 2006

HLT-NAACL Program Up

The program for HLT-NAACL 2006 has been posted (I didn't submit anything). I'm partcularly looking forward to:
  • A fast finite-state relaxation method (Tromble + Eisner)
  • Name matching in English and Arabic (Freeman, Condon + Ackerman)
  • Do we need phrases? (Quirk + Menezes)
  • Using syntax for false entailment (Snow, Vanderwende + Menezes)
  • Grammatical machine translation (Riezler + Maxwell)
  • SRL, Wornet and Wikipedia for Coreference (Ponzetto + Strube)
I'm sure others will be good too. Anyone see anything else especially intruiging?


  1. All attendees please tell us about the conference afterwards on your NLP weblogs.

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