24 June 2008

ICML 2008 papers up

See here. Has also been WhatToSee-d.

Here are the top words (stems) from ICML this year:
  1. learn (53) -- no kidding!
  2. model (20)
  3. kernel (17) -- can't seem to shake these guys
  4. estim (11)
  5. reinforc (10)
  6. linear (10) -- as in both "linear time" and "linear model"
  7. classif (10) -- no kidding
  8. process (9) -- yay nonparametric Bayes!
  9. analysi (9)
  10. supervis (8)
  11. structur (8) -- our paper is one of these
  12. rank (8) -- always popular in the web days
  13. effici (8) -- this is great!


  1. I'm wondering when "machine learning" will go the way of "artificial intelligence". I'd like to see "estim" replace "learn".

    This finally seemed to be the year at ACL when almost all the talks mentioned that "max entropy classifiers" are just standard generalized linear models. I predict the use of the term "max entropy" will drop dramatically.

    Hopefully, "structure" will become the norm, and drop out of titles. All the interesting models at ACL this year were "structured" in either a hierarchical or relational sense.

    And how about bigrams? Is that "supervis" as in "full-supervis", "semi-supervis", or "un-supervis"?

    And how about time-series analysis?

  2. The number of papers with "kernel" in the title has increased again over previous years.

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