This is a request to the community. If you have published a paper in an ACL-related venue in the past ten years or so, please consider contributing the LaTeX source. Please also consider contributing talk slides! It's an relatively painless process: just point your browser here and upload! (Note that we're specifically requesting that associated style files be included, though figures are not necessary.)
Tomorrow and Yesterday
3 days ago
What do you plan to do with the LaTeX code?
All my recent papers are on ArXiv. ArXiv requires all submissions to include the LaTeX code, if the paper was written in LaTeX. A PDF or PostScript submission is automatically checked to see whether it was generated by LaTex. If it was, then you cannot upload the PDF to ArXiV; you must upload the LaTeX. You can download the LaTeX for ArXiv papers.
My (personal) short term goal with the code is to use it to help in processing the PDFs that we have for the anthology. There's lots of formatting that's really hard to extract directly from the PDF (figures, tables, equations, even some document structure like sections and subsections). Given a reasonably small sample of LaTeX source, this should be learnable.
Beyond that, I suppose other people might have use for it and the data (assuming you don't prevent) will be made available to the community.
(Finally, regarding ArXiv, I've thought for a while that the ACL should do this, too.)
I think this is a great idea, but it is hard for people using non-English scripts --- for Japanese we often use a localized latex (platex or jlatex) or the enormous latex-cjk package. I suspect you don't want that in every tarball.
However, I guess if you are mainly looking at the formatting, then you don't actually need to be able to compile it.
If it is important that can compile things, it would be nice to (a) know what version you will be using, and what packages you have there already (e.g. a full texlive will have most stylefiles already) and (b) be able to see if it compiles (like ArXiv).
I will upload mine as soon as I have written a little script to delete the comments and stuff after \end{document} --- I normally add the reviewers comments to my draft (^_^).
franbon -- anything that's "standard" (cjk counts) is okay to exclude. pretty much anything on ctan is fair game to leave out.
I will add my soon. I don't know if this is the point of it, but i think it might be good to learn from other people ability to do cool stuff in latex.
Are the sources going to be available to anyone?
João Graça
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