I've been slow at posting because I wanted to post on this current topic for a while, but wanted to work out some more details before doing so. Well, it didn't happen. So I'm writing sans details.
Let's think for a minute about non-linear dimensionality reduction, aka manifold learning. If we compare what, say, ISOMAP does with what laplacian eigenmaps (LE) does, they're really quite similar. In both cases, we construct a graph over our data points, usually a kNN graph or something, sometimes with edge weights, sometimes not. We then attempt to embed the points in a low dimensional space to minimize some sort of distortion. In ISOMAP, the distortion is based on the shortest path distance between the two points in our constructed graph. In LE, the distance is measures according to the Laplacian of the graph. The notion of a Laplacian of a graph is basically a discrete version of the more standard notion of the differential operator by the same name (that comes up in most standard analysis courses). In continuous land, it is the divergence of the differential, which essentially means that measures some form of diffusion (and has its original applications in physics). In discrete land, where we live, it can be thought of as a measure of flow on a graph.
The key difference, then, between ISOMAP and LE is whether you measure distances according to shortest path or to flow, which has a very "average path" feel to it. The advantage to LE is that it tends to be less susceptible to noise, which is easy to understand when viewed this way.
Now, getting back to NLP stuff, we often find ourselves doing some sort of shortest path search. It's well known that the much loved Viterbi algorithm is exactly an application of dynamic programming to search in the lattice defined by an HMM. This extends in well known ways to other structures. Of course, Viterbi search isn't the only game in town. There are two other popular approaches to "decoding" in HMMs. One is marginal decoding, where we individually maximize the probability of each node. The other is minimum Bayes risk decoding. Here, we take a user-supplied risk (aka loss) function and try to find the output that minimizes the expected risk, where the probabilities are given by our current model. MBR has been shown to outperform Viterbi in many applications (speech, MT, tagging, etc.). If your risk (loss) function is 0/1 loss, then these recover the same solution.
What I'm curious about is whether this is a connection here. I'm not exactly sure how the construction would go -- I'm thinking something like a graph defined over the lattice vertices with edges that reflect the loss function -- but there definitely seems to be a similarity between MBR and average path, which is approximately equal to a Laplacian operation (aka spectral operation). The reason I think this would be interesting is because a lot is known about spectral computations and we might be able to use this knowledge to our advantage (coming up with MBR algorithms is sometimes a bit painful). An additional complication (or bit of fun, if you see it that way) is that there are at least three standard ways to generalize the notion of a Laplacian to a hypergraph, which is what we would really need to do. Perhaps we can help pick out the "right" one through the MBR connection.
An overview of parallel programming (Go edition)
14 hours ago
Slightly OT, but if you think of what's the analogy of averaged shortest paths, then electrical flow is what comes to mind, with resistance acting as an edge cost (you might have to exponentiate or otherwise transform them to make it work quite right).
Another observation is that since the Laplacian captures various kinds of cuts (see the spectral clustering work), you'd want to show that MBR acts like it's finding a good cut or a good flow of some kind. Maybe even a dual formulation might be helpful to reveal such structure
Hmm, this is interesting... but here's a question:
In decoding we ultimately want to compute a path, whether this path is shortest distance or average/MBR "distance". In manifold learning, the actual path between two points is not that important, since the emphasis is on the value or distance of that path (or average path). Do you think the spectral operators could still work for decoding then? (this isn't a rhetoric question--I don't know the answer)
Another question: I'm curious, what are the standard ways to turn Laplacian into a hypergraph?
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Laplacian eigenmaps is equivalent to embedding commute times of a random walk on the graph [ Huaijun and Hancock ].
Commute time can be interpreted as an electrical circuit - thus LE is an averaged shortest path for a graph with edges representing resistors.
In MBR, we won't necessarily compute a path. For instance, consider POS tagging or NE chunking. If we take something like F-measure loss balanced to recall, then if there are two outputs with probability 0.4 each, we'll output them both to improve our recall at the cost of precision. We do this all the time for high recall named-entity chunking.
In practice, I haven't found per-tag decoding for POS tagging for for chunking to be much different in 0/1 performance from regular Viterbi -- we have both implemented in LingPipe's HMM and chunker decoders. Kakade, Teh and Roweis, on the other hand, found that training a MEMM with that loss had a huge effect.
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Do you think the spectral operators could still work for decoding then? (this isn't a rhetoric question--I don't know the answer)
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we'll output them both to improve our recall at the cost of precision. We do this all the time for high recall named-entity chunking.
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I think ISOMAP and LE are same thing. The only difference is what you have shared here. Thanks, I personally like your post. Keep it up.
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